Wednesday, December 9, 2015



The skills of a Viking man

The Viking man had rather limited options when it came to his career, but certain skills were common in old Norse times, and every Viking man had to learn at least one.
Farming was the most common option for a Viking man, to work the land and keep animals. Farming was a great choice as land was typically plentiful and the Scandinavian climate was suitable for not only crops but also animal farming.
Trading was another option for a Viking man, bartering swapping goods, and even travelling to foreign lands to bring back much sought after treasures. Its likely that many farmers also traded some of their stock or goods.
Metal working or wood working was also an option, both skills were needed on a daily basis in Viking life. Swords, shields, boats and many more items all needed crafting and would be a valuable trade to know.
Most importantly a Viking man would have to know how to control a boat, to successfully navigate the coastal waters, rivers and fjords of Scandinavia.

Family life for a Viking man

Viking men 2
A Viking jarl addressing his king.
Family life was not really an option for a Viking man, while some Viking men wouldn’t marry it was not common. Of course in old Norse times, your children would provide free labour on the farm or in the workshop. Your wife would help maintain your house, and ensure there was always food cooking over the fire.
There were plenty advantages to family life in Norse times, and of course life expectancy was much shorter, providing more incentive to have children young.

The hobbies of a Viking man

Sports and competition were an important part of life for a Viking man, and evidence has been found that many ancient civilisation like the Viking partook in these.
Boar hunting is one sport that would likely have provide an escape from the farming life for a Viking man. Bows and arrows would be used and of course the spoils of the hunt would have provided a hearty meal also.
In Norway archery was incredibly popular and the Vikings would have competed in archery competitions. Other combat sports would have been common too, wrestling, sword fighting and other physical challenges would have allowed the Viking men to hone their fighting skills for future raids or battles.