Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Viking Women

Viking women were skilled in many things and also capable of being just as tough as the Viking men should they need to be. A Viking woman would grow up just like a man, learning to live off the land, and be self sufficient, a truly important skill in old Norse times.
Viking women were also treated with much respect by the men and also society in general. Whether the old Norse women would not tolerate anything less of simply whether they were respected so much by the men is not clear. Viking women had plenty of rights and privileges, including the option of divorce should her husband not treat her with the respect she demanded.

Life for a Viking woman

As we mentioned life for a Viking woman was really quite good, they were treated with a lot of respect and granted many privileges. The Viking woman was able to marry, to divorce and unwanted attention from a Viking man would not be tolerated. In fact if a Viking man was to kiss or try anything more with a Viking woman that was not willing, then he would stand to be fined or face more serious punishment. In this way the Viking woman was very well protected and highly though of in old Norse Scandinavia.
Viking women 2
A group of young Viking women.
Women however were not involved in many aspect of Viking life. Women were not allowed to join raids or any trading ventures. They were also not permitted to do various things, like having a short hair cut, carrying swords, or axes, and were not allowed to dress as a man would. Many of these prohibitive rules were obviously to keep women in a certain role in Viking society.
When it came to the matter of politics and the running of society, Viking women were thought to not have much say in the public forum. The women were not allowed to speak at meetings or gatherings concerning these matters. This however does probably not paint a fully accurate picture, Viking women probably had much influence in the running of Viking society, likely through a word in the ear of her husband or father.

Women however were allowed to travel, they played a role in the colonisation of various island and lands, setting up homes and looking after their family and children in these new lands, like Iceland, Greenland, and islands off the coast of Scotland, England and Ireland.