Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Viking Men

The Viking men were brave travellers, warriors and farmers, and they were often expected to be good at all three. Often first associated with the violent and bloody raids that took the Viking people to large parts of Europe, the Viking men in reality were first and foremost traders and farmers.
While violence and conflict was a large part of Viking life, it was not everyday life, and this is the distinction between the idea of a Viking man and the reality. The common opinion of these barbaric men, raiding, pillaging and seeking only treasure is far from the whole truth.
Farming and living off the land was the primary way to survive in Viking times, and every Viking man would have to learn this if he were to survive. More importantly if a Viking man was not seen as self sufficient then he was considered weak by the rest of his community, and Viking men prided themselves on their reputation.

Life for a Viking Man

Viking men 1
A group of Viking warriors readying for battle.
Life for a Viking man as we mentioned much more complex than being a simple barbarian or warrior, although of course this was still important. Viking men grew up fighting, it was encouraged, and as children they would handle weapons, and work on the family farm or in the family trade. In this way fighting and handling themselves was a natural instinct, but was not their primary job.
To be successful in old Norse times, a Viking man needed to have a skill or a trade. A way to either make wealth or to provide for him and his