Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Sapa Inca

  • Means "Supreme Inca"; was the emperor and was the leader of the Inca Civilization.
    • Secondary meanings include "Son of the Sun" and the "benefactor of the poor."
      • These names emphasized the Sapa Inca's role as a leader.

  • The first Sapa Inca was Manqo Qhapaq, who founded the capital of Cuzco.
  • Another important Sapa Inca is Pachacuti, the ninth king, who is known to have created the city of Machu Picchu.

  • Was the supreme head of the government, religion, and the military.
  • Had absolute power; however, it was used kindheartedly toward the people.
  • Had a tradition, starting with Pachacuti in 1438, to wear red tassels on the forehead, symbolizes royalty.
  • Respect was shown by removing one's shoes in the presence of the Sapa Inca. Bowing in homage also demonstrated respect.