Wednesday, December 9, 2015



  • There were various levels of authority in the Inca government.
  • The governors, who were below the Council of Prefects, were responsible for the lesser officials below them.
    • They were responsible for organizing [male] taxpayers into units of 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, and 10,000. This was known as the decimal administration. They were used as military units, and were headed by a karuka, or hereditary local elite.

  • Inspectors were also part of the administrative systems. They were referred to as tokoyrikoq, meaning "he who sees all."
    • They reviewed all the affairs of their respective suyu.
    • This rank was used to ensure the suyu's affairs ran smoothly.
    • Highest rank: Inspector General of conquered territories, who was sometimes the Sapa Inca's brother.
  • Administrative centers were set up every 100 miles in the empire.
  • Here, taxes were collected based on the labour performed by citizens (e.g. bridge building).
  • Censuses were also collected by administrators, and were used to record births, deaths, marriages, and changes in status