Tuesday, December 8, 2015


The Mayans still live in the Yucatan in much the same way as their post classic ancestors. The Aztecs, who on the other hand were decimated by the Spaniards, can perhaps be glimpsed among the present day Mexicans. Their languages too were different. The Aztecs spoke Nahuatl, while the Mayans spoke Maya. Their names for God too were different. Aztecs called him Quetzalcoatl and the Mayans had Kukulcan.

The Mayan style of art was true to life, having representations of contemporary life in murals. Among the Aztecs were outstanding craftsmen and sculptors. Of the two the Mayans were a gentler and kinder, civilization. The Aztecs on the other hand were a proud war like people who took pride in their martial tradition. Perhaps that is the reason that the fearsome Aztecs are no longer around. They lived by the sword and died by it. The Mayans on the other hand can still be found in the millions.


Read more: Difference Between Aztecs and Mayans | Difference Between | Aztecs vs Mayans http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-aztecs-and-mayans/#ixzz3tl0ZDrQp