Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Aztecs vs Mayans
Aztecs and Mayans are both ancient American civilizations that the conquering Spaniards encountered when they set foot on that continent. There were some important differences between the two. Firstly the Aztecs were huge believers of human sacrifice and were at it all the time. The Mayans on the other hand believed in offering blood instead, though they were not averse to sacrificing the captain of a leading football team!
What really set the Mayans apart was there very scientific temperament. They studied stars and in fact had come up with a very scientific calendar comparable to the modern one. They had an obsession with time and tried to measure it by studying astronomy and correlating it with their current events. The Aztecs on the other hand were a very warlike people who waged war against their neighboring tribes forcing them to pay tribute. The male warrior had the pride of place in the Aztec society. Among the Mayans who consisted of many city states, each with their own sovereign ruler, the ruler’s prestige mattered the most. The Aztecs on the other hand were ruled by one supreme ruler.
The Aztecs and Mayans were at different geographical locations as well. While the former ruled the roost in Central America the latter held sway in the western South America. The Mayans are an older people and were around a thousand years before the Aztecs even arrived in Central America. The Aztecs were the dominant culture in Mexico at the time of Cortez’s arrival in Mexico in the 1500s. The Mayans by then had deteriorated into a decadent and decrepit race living on past glory.

Read more: Difference Between Aztecs and Mayans | Difference Between | Aztecs vs Mayans http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-aztecs-and-mayans/#ixzz3tl06ON4K