By Robert Morningside
The Hopi believe the Creator of Man is a woman. The Sumerians believed the Creator of Man was a woman. The Hopi believe the Father Creator is KA. The Sumerians believed the Father Essence was KA. The Hopi believe Taiowa, the Sun God, is the Creator of the Earth. The Sumerians believe TA.EA was the Creator. The Hopi believe two brothers had guardianship of the Earth. The Sumerians believed two brothers had dominion over the Earth. The Hopi believe Alo to be spiritual guides. The Sumerians believed AL.U to be beings of Heaven. The Hopi believe Kachinas (Kat'sinas) are the spirits of nature and the messengers and teachers sent by the Great Spirit. The Sumerians believed KAT.SI.NA were righteous ones sent of God. The Hopi believe Eototo is the Father of Katsinas. The Sumerians believed EA.TA was the Father of all beings. The Hopi believe Chakwaina is the Chief of Warriors. The Sumerians believed TAK.AN.U was the Heavenly Destroyer. The Hopi believe Nan-ga-Sohu is the Chasing Star Katsina. The Sumerians believed NIN.GIR.SU to be the Master of Starships. The Hopi believe Akush to be the Dawn Katsina. The Sumerians believed AK.U to be Beings of light. The Hopi believe Danik to be Guardians in the Clouds. The Sumerians believed DAK.AN to be Sky Warriors. The Hopi believe Sotunangu is a Sky Katsina. The Sumerians believed TAK.AN.IKU were Sky Warriors. The Hopi name for the Pleaides is ChooChookam. The Sumerians believed SHU. SHU.KHEM were the supreme Stars, |