Saturday, December 5, 2015


Who were the enemies of the Hopi Tribe?Although a peace loving nation the Hopi tribe was subjected to frequent raids by the Navajo tribe and occasionally the Apache. The encroachment by the Spanish came in 1540 with the expedition of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. The Native Indians were subdued but they shared in the successful revolt of 1542, but were again defeated in 1586. In 1629 The Spanish began to establish missions at the Hopi pueblos of Awatobi and Oraibi which were later destroyed in the Pueblo revolt of 1680. The Pueblo Revolt (1680-1692) was located in New Mexico and Arizona. This was an initial great victory for the Pueblo alliance that consisted of the Pueblo, Hopi, and Zuni tribes but the Spanish re-conquered the lands in 1692.