Monday, December 7, 2015


The Hopi Indians have been living in the high desert of Arizona for thousands of years. They are the direct descendants of the mysterious Anasazi, the’Ancient Ones’, a civilization that flourished between the 5th and 13th century AD, before suddenly disappearing. According to legend, they were led to their current home by a curiously shaped cloud during the day and a moving star by night.
Hopi depictions of the Ant people
The Hopi traditions describe the world as passing through cycles; they share similar views with the Aztecs and other ancient cultures. They believed that at the end of each cycle the gods return to reestablish order. We are currently living in the fourth cycle.
The First World was destroyed by fire, perhaps by volcanoes, an impact with an asteroid or massive solar flares. The Second World succumbed to ice–possibly caused by a magnetic pole reversal while the Third one drowned in a global flood.
The most interesting of these cycles is the third one and the Hopi describe it as being a period during which the Earth was ruled by an advanced civilization that had technology far superior to our own. A key element in these legends is represented by the ‘Flying Shields’ – the patuwvotas. The advanced flying shields had the ability to travel quickly between distant places and they also carried fearsome weapons that could level entire cities. They are strikingly similar to what we call today unidentified flying objects