Monday, December 7, 2015


These are the words spoken by Sotuknang at the beginning of the Fourth World, our current cycle:
See, I have washed away even the footprints of your Emergence; the stepping-stones which I left for you. Down on the bottom of the seas lie all the proud cities, the flying patuwvotas and the worldly treasures corrupted with evil, and those people who found no time to sing the praises to the Creator from the top of their hills. But the day will come, if you preserve the memory and the meaning of your Emergence, when these stepping-stones will emerge again to prove the truth you speak.”
During these times of hardship, the Hopi were helped by the Anu Sinom–the Ant People. The Anu Sinom escorted the Hopi to a system of subterranean caves, providing them with shelter and food. The depictions of the Ant People closely resemble the ‘Greys’ in modern ufology.
In an interesting note, the Babylonian sky god was also named Anu and the Hopi word naki means ‘friends’. Some believe the Sumerian Anunnaki and the Hopi Anu-naki or ‘ant friends’ may have been the same interstellar travelers that came to Earth from ‘the heavens’.