Wednesday, December 9, 2015


An Aztec emperors palace

The emperor and ruler of the Aztecs would have a very large palace. It had a very large courtyard and had two stories. Gold panels, paintings and carvings cover the walls. There would be numerous rooms, each dedicated to a specific use. A large staircase is located in the centre of the grand home.

The four main rooms of the Aztec emperors palace

  • Reception area where the King entertained guests.
  • The emperor’s room which would the largest and most extravagant room.
  • Meeting room where the throne is located.
  • Storage room which housed all the gifts given to the King

Aztec ball courts

Tlachco – Ball courts were L shaped. It is the location for ballgames which is the Aztecs main sport called tlachtli or ullamaliztli This was popular back in the Mesoamerican era but is still played today in some parts of Mexico. The Ball courts were usually located beside the shrine for Huitzilopochtli.

The Aztec ceremonial plaza the sacred precinct

The Great Temple and the core of the city, was surrounded by a ceremonial centre. This area was a collection of massive structures specifically used for religious ceremonies by the Aztecs. These structures include temples, ball courts, priest houses and were surrounded by the houses of the very important Aztec nobles. Farther away from the centre of this area would be the markets and the houses of the lower class. The gardens or Chinampas extend on to the lake where crops were grown, and on the west side of the precinct was their bathhouse, the tozpalatl.