Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Aztec chinamapas the floating gardens

Chinampas are swampy rectangular patches of earth where food is being grown. Each chinampa was surrounded by canals which is the water formed in between them. Damns and complex systems of irrigation were built to sustain crops essential to the Aztec people. These patches of swamps farming blocks were around 2.5 metres wide and 30 metres long and traditionally separated by willow roots. Chinampas were located on the outskirts of town and sometimes extend into the surrounding body of water where the irrigation for them would be sourced from.
Ancient Aztec Architecture 3
Aztec architecture in the landscape of the Gulf of Mexico

Aztec architecture in summary

The Aztec people created some of the most impressive temples and pyramids the world has ever seen. These majestic and powerful structures were built stone by stone, by hand, and must have taken the Aztecs a long time to complete. Their motivation was obviously to get closer to the skies, where they could sacrifice to their gods from atop their mighty pieces of architecture.
In all their architectural endeavours though, the Aztecs maintained a unique visual style in all of the buildings and constructions. From the ball courts to their homes and living areas, the Aztecs would adorn their buildings with artistic renderings and sculptures, give them a unique style that is truly unique to this civilisation