Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Ancient Egyptian Architecture

The architecture of this ancient country is one of the most fascinating parts of not just ancient Egypt’s history but the history of the world. The Egyptian’s constructed grand temples and pyramids which have survived the ravages of time and continue to attract the attention of scientists and common people alike. Most ancient Egyptian architecture was inspired from the theology of ancient Egypt which was mainly polytheistic, although during later times of the Egyptian empire monotheism was introduced. Some of the most magnificent masterpieces of ancient Egyptian architecture include the Pyramid of Giza, the Great Sphinx of Giza, and the famous Temple of Horus.

Preliminary forms of ancient Egyptian architecture existed from the beginning of the Egyptian kingdom as early as 3150 BC. However, structures of importance began to be constructed mainly during the Second and Third Dynasties, around 2700 BC. It was during this time of that step pyramids began to be constructed which eventually became the precursors of the later actual pyramids. The Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx were constructed around 2600 BC during the Fourth Dynasty. The practice of constructing grand pyramids in ancient Egypt ceased around 1700 BC but other structures continued to be built. For instance, the famous Temple of Edfu was built during the Ptolemaic Period which fell between 237 BC and 57 BC