Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Building Materials used in by the ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptian Architecture 1
A mixture of the diverse range of architecture created during the ancient Egyptian periods.
The most common building materials that were used in ancient Egyptian architecture were sun-baked mud bricks and stones. Limestone was the primary form of stone used in architecture, although sandstone and granite were also frequently used. Eventually, stone became to be used almost exclusively for temples and tombs while houses and even palaces were constructed with bricks. One of the most important features of ancient Egyptian architecture is that no wood was used in construction.

Ancient Egyptian Building Methods

Various innovative construction techniques and methods were employed for ancient Egyptian architecture. Since there is a difference in the construction of earlier and later buildings, particularly the pyramids, it is clear that these techniques evolved over time. Various hypotheses exist for the construction methods that were employed for ancient Egyptian architecture. The central problem to be tackled was to move the large blocks of stone across the desert. Special tools were used to cut the stones in the quarries. The generally accepted hypothesis for the transportation of these stones to the construction sites is that sledges used to transport these stones were lubricated by water which made it easier to drag the large weight on the sand. However it is still not known conclusively exactly how the Egyptians managed to build such precise and sophisticated structures which would be challenging even with modern technology.