Wednesday, December 9, 2015


WHO are the Inca?

  • The Incas are highlanders that ruled in present-day South America between approx. 1000 and 1600 CE.
  • It is "believed that their ancestors had emerged from a natural feature of the landscape." (Altroy, 49)


  • 1000 - 2000 CE: The Andean region consists of several isolated communities. The Inca is one of these groups.
    • They lived in the highland region, near Lake Titicaca.
    • According to myth, the Incas became a civilization when four brothers and sisters - the children of the Sun God - emerged from a cave, called the "House of Windows" (Tampu T'aqo). They left on a journey in pursuit of a suitable settlement, and were followed by their people. After years of searching, only one son, Manqo Qhapaq, remained. He had a golden rod that he frequently plunged into the ground, in search of fertility in the land. When he reached Cuzco, the rod had embedded itself in the ground, indicating fertile land. They decided to stay there, and Cuzco became the homeland and capital of the Inca civilization.
      • Manqo Qhapaq became the first Inca ancestor and emperor.