Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Hopi Indians Facts

The Hopi Indians and their ancestors are Native Americans who have lived in Northwestern Arizona for thousands of years. Information suggests that the name 'Hopi' is translated to mean peaceful person. These Southwest American Indians inhabit an area called the Black Mesa, a plateau which rises 1,000 feet above the surrounding grasslands, and refer to this place as the center of the universe. They are entirely surrounded by the much larger, Navajo reservation. Facts and history about these Southwest American Indians can be found below.

Hopi Indian General facts

  • Hopi lived in pueblos or adobe houses made of dried clay and stone. They had flat roofs and multiple levels which were accessible by ladder. The bottom level was an underground chamber called a Kiva. It was primarily for religious ceremonies. The upper levels contained apartments so that the entire extended family could live in the home.
  • The Hopi language is a complex and difficult language descended from the Aztec language and unrelated to other pueblo languages. The language is known for having a unique was of expressing of time and space concepts. The language is spoken by about 5,000 people today although all Hopi today speak English as well.
  • Oraibi was an important Hopi village. With the demise of several smaller Hopi villages, it became the center of Hopi population and culture and one the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the U.S, dating back to 1100 A.D.
  • Farming and agriculture was the cornerstone of traditional Hopi life. With over twenty different varieties of corn, including yellow and blue, it was the most common crop grown. They also grew squash, not only for eating, but for making instruments and utensils. Pumpkins and beans were grown for food and they cultivated sunflower so they could make dyes and oils. They also grew cotton and tobacco.

Hopi Indian Tribe Art

  • The Hopi were skilled artisans and had a special flair for making pottery and intricately woven rugs.
  • In fact, Hopi pottery is one of the most recognizable of all of the pottery making tribes with its vivid colors and distinct hieroglyphics. It requires great attention to detail and long hours of hard work.
  • The pottery not only looked beautiful, but it was used in everyday life.