Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Hopi Indian Tribe Clothing

  • The Hopi lived in a very warm and dry climate so clothing was usually kept to a minimum.
  • Men typically wore a simple breechcloth for cover and deerskin moccasins on their feet. They usually wore their hair in a bun called a homsoma along with a headband tied around their forehead. In cooler months and in the evenings, blankets were used to stay warm.
  • Women wore mantas which were light dresses that left one shoulder exposed and came down to their knees. They also wore moccasins on their feet and if it was a special occasion they decorated them. They also added deerskin leggings to their shins for special events.
  • The Hopi liked to adorn themselves with accessories. These included wildflowers, beaded necklaces, various feathers, and eventually silver jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets and rings.
  • Both men and women had a distinct pattern in which they would paint their faces for specific occasions like war or special tribal ceremonies.

Hopi Tribe Tools and Weapons

  • Although the Hopi did not normally participate in acts of war, they did have weapons to defend themselves against an attack on their land by the Navajos and the Spanish. In this circumstance they would use bows and arrows and spears.
  • They used carved rocks and animal bones, traps, and large sticks when hunting animals like deer, antelope and other game.
  • Tools included rakes and hoes and other farming implements, cotton looms, knives, arrowheads and adz. Adz allowed them to carve out big logs that could then be made into water-worthy canoes, an important means of transportation.