Thursday, December 3, 2015


Annunaki History - Sumerian Gods from Nibiru- Planet X

The Anunnakis were not mythical gods.They are considered one of the very first anthropomorphic form of God of our know history, lived in Sumeria.Thought the concept of god is highly debatable and varies from culture to culture, we can generally say that by god we man someone who has higher level of creative energy that is beyond our limited knowledge. Whatever we mean by the word God, the Sumerian Gods-the annunakis- wanted to stay with human.
History suggests in the past, several ancient civilization were capable of reading and prediction the astronomical position of the planets and stars.The ancient people who just managed to survive by gather food from forest or by hunting, should not have the time to
study and investigate the exact the position of stars and planet.
have gain we have been perplexed by the sudden influx of esoteric knowledge
Imagine a situation when you receive esoteric knowledge from certain group of being who
reveal to you the secret of resurrecting the dead people. if anything like these happen to you in today’s world, you would be convinced that the god or someone of unthinkable creative power has come down to our planet Earth to teach us the secrets of life. Interestingly, incidents like “God coming down to earth” took place nearly six thousand years back at the time of summers- as described in Sumerian clay tablets.
In 1850, Austen Henry, a famous excavator, found some ancient clay tablets in Iraq (almost 250 miles away of Baghdad) during his excavation. The exact location of this excavation was near a area of today’s Iraqi town Mosul. These Sumerian tablets give us the clue about one of the notable historical findings of our time- evidence of advanced species descending to our planet, and living with humans. These tablets were first deciphered by a linguistic scholar Zechariah Sitchin, who was a master of many Middle Eastern languages: Sumerian, Hebrew, Aramaic. His translation reveals that the Annunakis were gods, lived with humans, who descended from a heavenly body. This Sumerian text is also known as Enoch, which describes Gods as “the watchers” as does Egyptian text. According to this tablet Annunaki came from a distant planet “Nibiru”, which is also known as Planet X.