Tuesday, November 24, 2015



published on 26 February 2014
Aztec Empire (wikipedia user: El Comandante)
The Aztec Empire flourished between c. 1345 and 1521 CE and, at its greatest extent, covered most of northern Mesoamerica. Aztec warriors were able to dominate their neighbouring states and permit rulers such as Motecuhzoma II to impose Aztec ideals and religion across Mexico. Highly accomplished in agriculture and trade, the last of the great Mesoamerican civilizations was also noted for its art and architecture which ranks amongst the finest ever produced on the continent.
The Aztec state is actually the most well documented Mesoamerican civilization with sources including archaeology, native books (codices) and lengthy and detailed accounts from their Spanish conquerors - both by military men and Christian clergy. These latter sources may not always be reliable but the picture we have of the Aztecs, their institutions, religious practices, warfare and daily life is a rich one and it continues to be constantly expanded with details being added through the endeavours of 21st century CE archaeologists and scholars.

Historical Overview

Sometime around 1100 CE the city-states or altepetl which were spread over central Mexico began to compete with each other for local resources and regional dominance. Each state had its own ruler or tlatoani who led a council of nobles but these small urban centres surrounded by farmland soon sought to expand their wealth and influence so that by c. 1400 CE several small empires had formed in the Valley of Mexico. Dominant amongst these were Texcoco, capital of the Acholhua region, and Azcapotzalco, capital of the Tepenec. These two empires came face to face in 1428 CE with the Tepanec War. The Azcapotzalco forces were defeated by an alliance of Texcoco, Tenochtitlan (the capital of the Mexica) and several other smaller cities. Following victory a Triple Alliance was formed between Texcoco, Tenochtitlán and a rebel Tepanec city, Tlacopan. A campaign of territorial expansion began where the spoils of war - usually in the form of tributes from the conquered - were shared between these three great cities. Over time Tenochtitlán came to dominate the Alliance, its ruler became the supreme ruer - the huey tlatoque ('high king') - and the city established itself as the capital of the Aztec empire.
Masters of the world, their empire so wide and abundant that they had conquered all the nations. Diego Durán
The empire continued to expand from 1430 CE and the Aztec military - bolstered by conscription of all adult males, men supplied from allied and conquered states, and such elite groups as the Eagle and Jaguar warriors - swept aside their rivals. Aztec warriors wore padded cotton armour, carried a wooden or reed shield covered in hide, and wielded weapons such as a super sharp obsidian sword-club (macuahuitl), a spear or dart thrower (atlatl), and bow and arrows. Elite warriors also wore spectacular feathered and animal skin costumes and headdresses to signify their rank. Battles were concentrated in or around major cities and when these fell the victors claimed the whole surrounding territory. Regular tributes were extracted and captives were taken back to Tenochtitlán for ritual sacrifice. In this way the Aztec empire came to cover most of northern Mexico, an area of some 135,000 square kilometres.
The empire was kept together through the appointment of officials from the Aztec heartland, inter-marriages, gift-giving, invitations to important ceremonies, the building of monuments and artworks which promoted Aztec imperial ideology, and most importantly of all, the ever-present threat of military intervention. Some states were integrated more than others whilst those on the extremities of the empire became useful buffer zones against more hostile neighbours, notably the Tarascan civilization.


The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán on the western shore of Lake Texcoco flourished so that the city could boast at least 200,000 inhabitants by the early 16th century CE, making it the largest city in the Pre-Columbian Americas. These inhabitants were divided into several social strata. At the top were local rulers (teteuhctin), then came nobles (pipiltin), commoners (macehualtin), serfs (mayeque), and finally slaves (tlacohtin). The strata seem to have been relatively fixed but there is some evidence of movement between them, especially in the lower classes.http://eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.comhttp://eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.com



The Aztecs, who probably originated as a nomadic tribe in northern Mexico, arrived in Mesoamerica around the beginning of the 13th century. From their magnificent capital city, Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs emerged as the dominant force in central Mexico, developing an intricate social, political, religious and commercial organization that brought many of the region’s city-states under their control by the 15th century. Invaders led by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes overthrew the Aztecs by force and captured Tenochtitlan in 1521, bringing an end to Mesoamerica’s last great native civilization
The exact origins of the Aztec people are uncertain, but they are believed to have begun as a northern tribe of hunter-gatherers whose name came from that of their homeland, Aztlan (or “White Land”). The Aztecs were also known as the Tenochca (from which the name for their capital city, Tenochtitlan, was derived) or the Mexica (the origin of the name of the city that would replace Tenochtitlan, as well as the name for the entire country). The Aztecs appeared in Mesoamerica–as the south-central region of pre-Columbian Mexico is known–in the early 13th century. Their arrival came just after, or perhaps helped bring about, the fall of the previously dominant Mesoamerican civilization, the Toltecs.


The Aztec Empire

Most people today are familiar with the Aztec empire. But it may surprise you to know that there is a great deal of disagreement over what kind of an "empire" it really was. This Aztec empire history may surprise you.

Of course, even the term Aztec is a bit misleading. It's a name that is used for a group of peoples in Central Mexico, but really there wasn't any one people group that was "Aztec". The Mexica people were at the heart of the empire, but there were many other cultures that formed the civilization that the Spanish were to discover.

The Aztec empire's territory

What kind of an empire?

If we use the term empire, we need to know what we mean by it. There were many empires throughout history, and they ruled people in very different ways.

It might be helpful to go back and see exactly how the civilization started...

Aztec empire history

Many years after the Mexica people first built their proud city, Tenochtitlan (later to become Mexico City), they formed an alliance with two other cities - Texcoco (Tetzcoco) and Tlacopan. This Triple Alliance was to rule the Valley of Mexico until the Spanish arrived. However, over time one city become the most powerful - Tenochtitlan. It would become the heart of the Aztec civilization.
Essentially, Aztec empire history is a history of city-states. As the empire expanded (which it began to do in earnest around 1428) it conquered more cities. Some cities resisted. Others were conquered and began to pay tribute.

How the empire was ruled

The city of Tenochtitlan was the military power, which spearheaded the conquest of new territory. But the Aztec emperor didn't rule every city state directly. Local governments would remain in place, but would be forced to pay varying amounts of tribute to the Triple Alliance (with most of the tribute going to Tenochtitlan).

For this reason scholar Alexander J. Motyl would call this empire a informal or hegemonic empire.

You also need to remember that the Aztecs didn't necessarily rule connected territories. Because they were conquering cities, they sometimes had power in "pockets" over an area.

But don't think that this was a weak empire. Ruling through a local government ensured that the locals would keep the people happy, and that there would be stability and continuity. This system worked very well for the peoples of the empire.

At its height

The Aztec empire might have continued to grow had not the Europeans arrived in 1519.



According to certain conspiracy theorists, the Sumerian language appears to be the language taught to the humans by the Annunaki, since it's assumed to be the first language ever written. It has been said that the language of the Annunaki is considered to be pre-Sumerian. If this is true, the closest language to the Annunaki could be Hungarian since in pre-modern history, many linguists have found many similarities between the Hungarian language and the Sumerian language. The Hungarians are believed to be the exiled remains of the Sumerians, and many legends from ancient Hungarian culture relates to the Annunaki myth. The Manysi and the Khanty ethnic group, like the Hungarians are classified in the "Ugaric" language family and one individual converted to shamanism, into believing the Mansi to be descendants of Sumerians. However, linguistic affinities are also being found between Hebrew, hinting the another link of Sumerian with the Semetic languages, in which biblical scriptures were originally written in. Akkadian was a semetic language once used often with Sumerian, during the arrival of Akkadians into Iraq.

Spoken Language

There are rare instances of actual spoken language that are said to be Annunaki such as this one. It is not clear from where this material originates. Link [1]
More instances of this and other E.T. languages have surfaced recently. It is said that this information comes from both direct contact with the originating species in both the distant past and in some cases the current time. A growing collection of information about these languages - including the Anunnaki spoken language - and background into how using them is possible can now be found. [2]

Collapse of the Babel tower

It is believed that the ancient Sumerian language has deviated into several different languages which create the primary language families we know today. The language of the Annunaki was believed to be a language that preserved a lot of logic, meaning it was a language that had high accuracy, and was very specific in the things to be said in that language. If so, then the language would have very sophisticated grammar which would take a lot of time learning. When the Original human language began to break up, instances of languages losing cases and signature grammatical features may have been greatly lost. Hungarian, however, contains many linguistic features which appear to be alien to its neighboring Indo-European languages. Hebrew also has had linguistic affinities, hinting a link between Sumerian and Semetic Languages.

Relationship with other Alien species


The Pleiadians are another alien species. Pleiadians and Annunaki are two separate species. Pleiadians have been noted as a benevolent race promoting a nature of peace and prosperity, while it is unknown if they perform activities which involve creation. The nature of the Annunaki is not noted so it would not be practical to relate their habits to the Pleiadians. It is not clear if any deities in ancient world (although Christ has been hinted under the name of "Imannuel") religions were Pleiadians. The Pleiadians have a wide array of appearances, the most common one being Nordic. That particular appearance annotates Pleiadians as being blonde haired and blue eyed to an albino-like appearance. Their physique is characterized to be tall height and larger muscle mass. They have been called Nordics due to their similarities with Scandinavians.
There are also other variations of Pleiadians of dark complexion. One variation makes Pleiadians have the appearance similar to Negroid people. Another variation makes Pleiadians have the appearance of East Indian people. Regardless, the predominant depiction of Pleiadians is the Nordic depiction. Regardless of this, the Pleiadians have been stated to look like humans or even came from planet Earth to leave other humans many ages ago .Pleiadians are supposed to be better looking versions of us. They nearly always lack pigmentation in their skin and hair, giving them the an albino appearance. Many Pleiadians have an Blonde appearance similar to Ancient Angels. As a rule, Pleiadians don't carry around much excess fat, although females are known to have curvy figures. They don't usually have curly hair or beards, But some have beard and long hair. Pleidians care about human future more than us. They send their people on Earth to help humanity. They're all working towards raising the consciousness of humanity and uplifting the vibrations of planet Earth. Overall, these species could well relate or are the Annunaki, who are known to have come from "the image of man".

Reptiles or Tiamatians

They arise green planet "Tiamat", had similar characteristics of earth covered with a large forest and water, which belonged to the solar system, was the fifth planet. Nibiru had a huge moon called "Kingo" similar the Neptune in size, as also similar to the size of Tiamat, the first pass of Nibiru the earth, Kingo and Tiamat collides creating a large asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, one of those fragments fell in earth  killing all dinosaurs in prehistory, Tiamatians immigrate to Mars and then to Earth, evidence of these elongated skull reptilian, is found in Egypt and abandoned caves built by them. The Reptilians are another alien species which are rumored to be real. It is not clear if the Anunnaki or Reptilians are two separate species (although this assertion is most likely), or, in fact, are the same species (despite any real evidence to support that). Reptilians have also been noted to shape shift, and have knowledge on genetic engineering. Some ancient gods worshiped in ancient world religions are believed to be Reptilian in nature, but is a common attribute for all world religions where gods are mixed into animal/anthropomorphic hybrids. Furthermore, the difference is that the Reptilians are humanoid reptiles in their original form, with scales (and sometimes described to be reptiles without scales) while Sumerian tablets represent the Anunnaki gods as giant, muscular humanoids. Additionally, if humans were made in the image and likeness of a reptilian Anunnaki, then humans would be reptilian in appearance. The Reptilians have been known to have a malevolent nature, though benevolent Reptilians rumored to exist separate from the human Anunnaki. Despite all of this, the nature of the Anunnaki is predominantly unknown.


The Annunaki were the main gods of the Sumerian pantheon. Their name and certain aspects of their mythology have been co-opted by certain theorists on several occasions.

In Mesopotamian Mythology

According to ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Anunnaki is a Anu is the supreme deity in the Sumerian belief system. Ki is the goddess of the Earth. The offspring of Anu and Ki are called the Anunnaki. Instead of thinking in terms of black and white, it is useful to realize that Anu and Ki should be thought of metaphorically as the people from the sky (IBIRDS) and the planet itself, respectively. The Anunnaki are then simply the children which Anu created on planet Ki. The Anunnaki were served by the Igigi until the Igigi revolted, forcing the Anunnaki to create Mankind. These servants were not slaves; they were held in high regard, and they were created only to relieve the gods of their labour. In the beginning, Mankind had no set lifespan, and so the gods could only control overpopulation via flood, plague, and famine. During the final deluge, the gods wept at the suffering of Mankind, and so Man was given a set lifespan. It is during this deluge that Ziusudra (Noah) survived with his wife on the ark. The story of the final flood can be found in Atra-Hasis and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Myth mentioned above and parallels to other Myths

This is the first myth of the relationship between ENKI- ANU.This is called the Sky God and Earth Mother myth, which illustrates the relationship between the Sky and Earth. There is also a deity called Enlil that controls and watches of the sky as his kingdom.
  • Uranus and Gaia of Greece
  • Tengri and Eje of Tengriism in Siberia
  • Ranginui and Papatuanaku in Maori Myth
  • Dyaus Pitar and Prithvi Mata in Hindu Religion
There are other folk beliefs relating to Sky and Ground.

Looking for Gold vs Transmuation technology of a Cosmic Race?

Another counter argument for the Anunnaki theory is the question of "Looking for Gold" and trying to dig gold from planet Earth. If applied to technology of the Cosmic Era, the idea of looking for gold is ridiculous and absurd since already in the modern era, transmutation has been very possible by using energy from the Vacuum, also known as Luminous Aether. The technology comes from electricity, and is very based on Cosmic technology, meaning that the Anunnaki would've already known how to make gold through transmutation of cheap metals, therefore why would they look for gold, in fact they are already a cosmic civilization, and missing this key fact that they can perform transmutation from radiant energy, it would demoralize them in the face of the cosmos.

General Overview

The Anunnaki are a race of beings that traveled across into the depths of space. They've settled into a planet called Earth. The Anunnaki ruled the race called "Igigi" who worked for the Anunnaki. But after 2500 years of labor, the Igigi rebelled against the Anunnaki. Enki suggested to create a new race. The Anunnaki observed the possibilities, and in a place called Eden, they have created the Human race, mixing clay with the flesh and blood of an Anunnaki so that the new race could have the divine wisdom. Nintu put the dollop into "shells" and nine months later, humankind was born. In the end, the humans proved to be a good workforce.

Fertile Crescent Religion

The Annunaki deities were worshiped by the Ancient Sumerians. In the Sumerian religion, they were forbidden to show the Annunaki Gods in their true form, so instead, the Sumerians depicted them as anthropomorphic animals in place of their true form. Later on the Sumerian ethnic group has been replaced by Akkadians then later Babylonians until they've been converted to monotheistic religions such as Zoroastrianism and Christianity..



The Anunnaki have no defined appearance, although according to the fertile crescent mythology, the Anunnaki are most likely to look like humans in their original forms, but in larger height. The Anunnaki are a shape-shifting race and can mold themselves into many shapes and sizes.
Although commonly it is believed that (if they can't shape-shift) their believed appearance is either a Tall Bipedal Eagle-like Avian, a bipedal Crocodile-looking Reptile or most commonly a Tall Humanoid. However, according to archaeological evidence, the Anunnaki harbored other species to serve them which could include Reptoids and/or Greys. Because of this, some would attribute their appearance to Reptilian creatures. Furthermore, if the Anunnaki mixed their DNA with ours, then we would be Reptiles rather than a mammal.

Sapience level

The Sapience level of the Anunnaki is definitely Sapient, although some have proposed the Anunnaki to be super sapient. Super sapience is the amount of intelligence held by an individual, when compared to Humans, would literally be the intelligence relationship between Humans and Chimpanzee


Who were they?

Good question!
The answer, however, is not always crystal clear. Let's just list some of the things there is broad agreement about first.
  • The records about them appear in Sumeria about 3,000 years ago
  • They came from another planet
  • They were particularly interested in gold
  • They were worshiped as gods
  • They divided into factions as to how to treat mankind
  • Mankind was genetically altered to enable us to perform better for them
An interesting list, isn't it?
Actually, the major investigator of these Sumerian records is Zechariah Sitchin. He says that his work shows that many of the Biblical Stories originated from Sumeria and the activities of the Annunaki.
Further, he claims that the Annunaki were on Earth about 450,000 years ago, primarily looking for gold which was very important in their culture, and perhaps for their longevity.
Not surprisingly, such advanced beings in ships and with 'magical' technology were viewed as gods. The main person was Anu, in charge overall, probably remaining in orbit around Earth.
Beneath him were Ninhursag, Enlil (brother and sister) and Enki, as well as Marduk, Inanna and a variety of minor deities each with their own areas of responsibility.
From careful reading of the clay tablets and interpretation of the carvings on the cylinder seals found in ancient Sumer, Sitchin has pieced together a detailed history of the Annunaki.
The full story is very long and worth reading if you are at all interested in this aspect of alien intervention in human affairs. There are six books in his series titled 'The Earth Chronicles'. In them, he takes the story of the Annunaki from their origin on another planet (which has since been known as Nibiru, Planet X, Marduk and The Twelfth Planet), and tells of how they mined gold, manipulated the genes of humanity and generally altered the normal run of affairs on Earth.
For example, there is a puzzling passage in Genesis chapter 6 verse 4 which reads; "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they; bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
A different version has that same passage as, "The Nefilim were upon the Earth in those days and thereafter too. Those sons of the gods who cohabited with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children into them. They were the Mighty Ones of Eternity, the People of the Shem."
This could be explained as the Annunaki coming down from above and co-habiting with human women. Instead of giants, the term 'Fallen Ones' is better explained by their descent from the heavens in their ships. The Nefilim were, according to Sitchin, the Annunaki.


 James Owen
Steeped in death, conquest, desire, and mystery, the legend of the lost Inca gold is guarded by remote, mist-veiled mountains in central Ecuador. Somewhere deep inside the unforgiving Llanganates mountain range between the Andes and the Amazon is said to exist a fabulous Inca hoard hidden from Spanish conquistadors.
The legend begins in the 16th century, when the great Inca Empire in western South America was giving way to European invaders. Atahualpa was an Inca king who, after warring with his half-brother, Huáscar, for control of the empire, was captured at his palace in Cajamarca in modern-day Peru by Spanish commander Francisco Pizarro.
Pizarro agreed to release Atahualpa in return for a roomful of gold, but the Spaniard later reneged on the deal. He had the Inca king put to death before the last and largest part of the ransom had been delivered. Instead, the story goes, the gold was buried in a secret mountain cave. And there the legend has remained, daring others to prove it.
The shadowy guide of those who have tried is Valverde, a Spaniard who some 50 years after Atahualpa's death is said to have become rich after being led to the gold by his Indian bride's family. When he died, he left written directions to its location, the so-called Derrotero de Valverde.
The gold trail went cold until the 1850s, when English botanist Richard Spruce traveled to Ecuador in search of the cinchona tree, the seeds of which were used to produce the antimalarial drug quinine. Spruce, when he finally returned to Britain, reported that he had uncovered Valverde's guide and a related map, made by a man named Atanasio Guzman.
'Golden Vases Full of Emeralds'
Treasure seeker Barth Blake followed up Spruce's discovery in 1886. If his writings are to be believed, Blake was the last person to find the gold. In one letter he wrote: "There are thousands of gold and silver pieces of Inca and pre-Inca handicraft, the most beautiful goldsmith works you are not able to imagine." He detailed life-size human figurines, birds and other animals, flowers, and cornstalks, as well as "the most incredible jewelry" and "golden vases full of emeralds." But, Blake claimed, "I could not remove it alone, nor could thousands of men."
Taking only what he could carry, Blake left and never returned. Sources suggest that en route to New York, where he planned to raise funds for an expedition to recover his prize, he disappeared overboard. Some say he was pushed deliberately. Many who have since attempted to retrace his steps into the treacherous Llanganates have also paid with their lives.
Mark Honigsbaum, however, did survive to tell the tale, which he did in his book Valverde's Gold (2004). The author teamed up with two adventurers who each claimed to have independently discovered an Inca gold mining site such as Valverde described: "There is a lake, made by hand, into which the ancients threw the gold they had prepared for the ransom of the Inca [Atahualpa] when they heard of his death."
"The legend essentially is that the Inca took the gold out of the Llanganates and then returned it to where they had taken it from," Honigsbaum said. But he never found the site, which seemingly had been lost as a result of the earthquakes that regularly rock the densely forested mountains.
"We're dealing with the frontier land between fact and fiction," Honigsbaum admitted. "We know Atahualpa's gold existed because it's recorded in the Spanish chronicle, and it's recorded that a large convoy of gold was on its way from Ecuador. After that, the best and most persistent stories revolve around the Llanganates."
"My own feeling, though, is that this gold was probably taken out centuries ago," he said. "If not, and it's still there, I think it's lost forever, because those mountains are so vast and inaccessible that you're looking for a needle in a haystack."
Guide to Lost Inca Sites?
Archaeologist Johan Reinhard, an explorer-in-residence at the National Geographic Society, has an explanation for why numerous expeditions in search of the gold mine and artificial lake mentioned by Valverde have failed.
"Most have followed Guzman's map that does indeed lead to some mines located on the northern end of the Llanganate range, but not to the area as can be ascertained from Valverde's description," Reinhard explained.
It's an open question whether Valverde ever existed, Reinhard added, but he says his directions do make sense against modern maps of the region.
While Reinhard doesn't believe Atahualpa's gold will ever be found, he says there's still a good chance of discovering Inca sites such as those referred to in the Derrotero. "Thus," he said, "a serious archaeological expedition would likely add significantly to our knowledge of the Inca presence in the region."  http://eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.com

Monday, November 23, 2015


Society and Culture

There were two classes in Inca society: the ruling classes and the peasants. The emperor was called “The Inca” or “Sapa Inca”. He ate from gold dishes and never wore the same clothes twice. Like the pharaohs of Egypt, he took his own sister as queen. The noblemen came from the capital Cuzco and helped the emperor govern the land.
Most people were farmers who produced their own food and clothes. The main crops were corn, tomatoes, squash and sweet potatoes, which the Inca were first to produce. They also raised guinea pigs, ducks and dogs. One of the most important animals was the llama. It providedthe peasants with wool and it could carry heavy loads as well.
The Inca spoke the Quechua language. They couldn’t write, but they used quipus, which were stringswith a system of knots attached to them. That’s how they recorded their harvest.
The Inca were very skilful in making handicrafts. Women were excellent weavers .They wove cloth into tunics. Men were great metalworkers. They knew how to extract metal from ore by heating and melting it. Then the metals were moulded into different shapes to make weapons and other tools. The Inca also produced pottery and made musical instruments such as flutes.
The Inca were great construction workers and architects. They built a large network of roads throughout the empire, as well as tunnels and suspension bridges that crossed narrow mountain valleys.
In Cuzco the Inca built massive walls made of huge stones. Some were more than 7 metres high and weighed many tons. Even today, centuries later, the stones fit together so well that you can’t even put a knife blade between them.
The Inca worshipped gods of nature—the sun, the earth or thunder. They sacrificed humans and animals. People also worshipped their ancestors and kept mummies of some of them. The Inca created a calendar by looking at the movements of the sun and the moon. Harvest feasts were celebrated in May, planting rituals were held in August.http://eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.com


The Inca were a South American people who controlled a large empire that stretched along the Pacific coast from Ecuador to northern Chile. The Inca dynasty was founded at about 1200 A.D. and lasted until the end of the 16th century, when the Spanish conquerors came to South America.
The capital city of the Incan empire was Cuzco, which was located in the Andes Mountains in today’s Peru. What is left of the Inca civilization is scattered over the highlands of the Andes. The descendants of the Inca are mostly peasants who http://eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.commake up about half of Peru’s population

Friday, November 20, 2015


Articles in the Inca Civilization Category

Inca Civilization »

Who were the Incas? Where did the Incas come from? The Inca Civilization
The Incas were a civilization in South America formed by ethnic Quechua people also known as Amerindians. In 1400AD they were a small highland tribe, one hundred years later in early the early 16th century the Incas rose to conquer and control the largest empire ever seen in the Americas forming the great . Its capital was located in and extended from what today is Ecuador in the north, Chile in the South, Bolivia in the east and limited by the in the west. In less than …

Culture, Inca Civilization »

Inca Art Forms Inca art was practical. The Incas were an artistic people who used materials available to them in nature and blended them creating many artistic forms in utilitarian ways. Much of their artistic expression was used in everyday life and had a .  Because they did not know science they had to attach powers to natural phenomena worshiping natural resources such as water streams or rocks, animals and almost anything related to nature and the best way to worship was to incorporate their best artistic creations in their offerings to the …

Inca Civilization »

Cusco, the City of the Puma The name Cusco comes from the Aymara language qusqu wanka that means “rock of the owl”. According to one the , the myth of the Ayar brothers, Ayar Auca became an owl and flew to the location where they would settle to create the capital of the new empire, he converted into a rock to mark the chosen site.
Inca Manco Capac was the founder of the . The inner city of Cusco was laid out in the shape of a puma whose head was the fortress of Sacsahuaman. His body …http://eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.com


Who were the Incas? Where did the Incas come from?

The Inca Civilization

The Incas were a civilization in South America formed by ethnic Quechua people also known as Amerindians. In 1400AD they were a small highland tribe, one hundred years later in early the early 16th century the Incas rose to conquer and control the largest empire ever seen in the Americas forming the great Inca Empire. Its capital was located in Cusco in Peru and extended from what today is Ecuador in the north, Chile in the South, Bolivia in the east and limited by the Pacific Ocean in the west. In less than a century the Incas conquered a vast territory through war and watchful diplomacy.
The Inca Civilization was an agrarian civilization and at its height in 1500 AD reached more than 10 million people. It had a complex stratified vertical society governed by the Inca and his relatives. They shared a common polytheistic religion based on the worship of the Sun and the Sapa Inca as his son. The collection of tribute, a draconian law system, food security and its fair distribution along with free health care and education were the basis of its economic and social success and in that sense securing the loyalty of its subjects. The government was highly organized even without the benefits of a writing system. The organization of the empire rivaled that of the Romans.http://eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Earth Chroncicles, Zecharia Sitchin's

Supporting Information


The Maya Culture

Contrary to popular beleif, the Mayan civilization was not one unified empire, but rather a multitude of separate entities with a common cultural background. Similar to the Greeks, they were religiously and artistically a nation, but politically sovereign states. As many as twenty such states existed on the Yucatan Peninsula, but although a woman has, on rare occasions, ascended to the ruling position, she has never acquired the title of 'mah kina'.

Mayan Writing

An elaborate system of writing was developed to record the transition of power through the generations. Maya writing was composed of recorded inscriptions on stone and wood and used within architecture. Folding tree books were made from fig tree bark and placed in royal tombs. Unfortunately, many of these books did not survive the humidity of the tropics or the invasion of the Spanish, who regarded the symbolic writing as the work of the devil.
Four books are known today:
The Dresden Codex
The Madud Codex
The Paris Codex
The Grolier Codex.
The priests followed the ruling class in importance and were instrumental in the recordings of history through the heiroglyphs. The two classes were closely linked and held a monopoly on learning, including writing. The heiroglyphs were formed through a combination of different signs which represented either whole words or single syllables. The information could be conveyed through inscriptions alone, but it was usually combined with pictures showing action to facilitate comprehension.eloisesfigueroa.blogspot.com


Maya Civilization

Geography and Landscape

The ancient Maya civilization occupied the eastern third of Mesoamerica, primarily the Yucatan Peninsula. The topography of the area greatly varied from volcanic mountains, which comprised the highlands in the South, to a porous limestone shelf, known as the Lowlands, in the central and northern regions. The southern portion of the Lowlands were covered by a rain forest with an average height of about 150 feet. Scattered savannas and swamps, or bajos, appeared sporadically, interrupting the dense forests. The northern Lowlands were also comprised of forests but they were drier than their southern counterparts, mainly growing small thorny trees. February to May was the dry season characterized by air that was intensely hot and uncomfortable. At this time of year, the fields had recently been cut and had to be burned in accordance with their slash and burn form of agriculture. The skies filled with a smoky grit, making the air even more unbearable until the rains came in late May to clear the murky atmosphere.
Many dangerous animals occupied this region of the peninsula including the jaguar, the caiman (a fierce crocodile), the bull shark, and many species of poisonous snakes. These animals had to be avoided as the Maya scavenged the forest for foods including deer turkey, peccaries, tapirs, rabbits, and large rodents such as the peca and the agouti. Many varieties of monkeys and quetzal also occupied the upper canopy. The climate of the Highlands greatly contrasted with that of the Lowlands as it was much cooler and drier.



The Mayans have a very historical inheritance in the many ruins scattered throughout the world. Tourists from all over are experiencing first hand a part of history that just inexplicably baffles the mind, as even today, historians cant seem to agree on the precise cause of the demise of the Maya Indians. There are various tribes that comprise the Mayan community, of which their language is still spoken, although English is also practiced.


All inhabitants of the Americas are thought to have originally migrated across the Bering Straits when the level of the oceans dropped enough to form a land bridge between Alaska and Siberia. These foraging nomads migrated throughout North America and eventually down through Central and South America.
The archaeological record shows evidence of the first Maya people as early as 1100 BC. These pioneers descended into the Copan Valley in Honduras from either the Guatemala highlands or another nearby mountainous region and made temporary camps in the known Maya region. Early Maya inhabitants hunted local game and developed agricultural subsistence techniques until about 900 BC. Around this time, the first true farmers of the Maya people built permanent residences in the valley (Schele and Freidel 1990: 306-307).
About 4000 BC, these people had spread out over the highland areas of Central America and soon reached a population size where they began to form small settlements and domesticate plants

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Anasazi Indian Ruins - Arizona

  1. Wupatki National Monument Wupatki National Monument Located in an arid high desert region just north of Flagstaff, the monument contains a variety of mesa top ruins which are a blend of Anasazi and Sinaguan culture. The area was occupied after Sunset Crater's peak exploded in 1064-5 C.E. The subsequent ash cover greatly increased soil fertility. The principal pueblo, Wupatki, has features not seen elsewhere in Anasazi country: a huge amphitheater which resembles a great kiva but without any ceremonial structures. Also, a ballcourt which is a Hohokam influence from southern Arizona and originally Mexico. Adjacent Sunset Crater National Monument offers views of numerous volcanic peaks.
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  2. Walnut Canyon National Monument Walnut Canyon National Monument Located in a steep and hidden canyon just east of Flagstaff, this settlement was built in the early 1100's by Sinaguan people emigrating from Wupatki and using Anasazi building techniques. The steep hillside has many overhangs, and the resulting alcoves made ideal rooms once the fronts were bricked over. With lush vegetation, water, plentiful game, and arable fields, the inhabitants were thought to have had a prosperous existence here for almost 200 years.
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  3. Homolovi Ruins State Park Located just off Interstate-40 about an hour east of Flagstaff. This state park protects four very large pueblo sites which might be considered late Anasazi or early Hopi. The area was believed occupied from 1200 to 1400 C.E. The area is very rich in relics, and archaeologists continue to work here in the summer. Also, the park has an excellent campground with hookups. Back to Map
  4. Petrified Forest National Park Petrified Forest National Park While the focus of the park is the petrified wood, the area is rich in ruin sites as well as rock art. There are several exhibits, the most unusual being the Agate House, a restoration of a small pueblo built entirely with petrified wood! Back to Map


Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon, completed around 1100 C.E., was the largest building in North America until the late 19th century.


One of the most popular and fascinating features of the southwest's Canyon Country is the remains of the prehistoric Anasazi Indian civilization. The Anasazi thrived in the region for nearly 1,000 years leaving evidence of their extraordinary masonry talents everywhere. The zenith of the Anasazi culture was reached in Chaco Canyon during the years 900-1100 C.E. The gigantic pueblos of Chaco rival the other great works of the ancient world, such as those of the Mayas and Incas. By the year 1300, the Anasazi had abandoned the entire region, generally moving into the Rio Grande Valley of northern New Mexico. This departure has long been one of the southwest's great mysteries and has been the subject of intense research and speculation for generations.

Map of Anasazi Indian Ruins

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100 km 
The domain of the early Anasazi was the drainage system of the San Juan River which runs roughly east to west before emptying into the Colorado River (now Lake Powell). At first living as hunter-gathers, the Anasazi started building "pithouses" around the years 300-600 C.E. These were essentially holes in the ground with coverings. A few scant remains of pithouses may be viewed at Mesa Verde National Park. Subsequently, the Anasazi learned to cultivate crops such as beans and corn, and this led to a more settled life style with the need and desire for better and more permanent housing. Mesa-top pueblos were the norm by 800 C.E. As the Anasazi developed their amazing masonry skills, the pueblos got ever bigger and more complex, culminating in the great pueblos of Chaco Canyon. Pueblo Bonito (above), completed around 1100 C.E., was the largest building in North America until the late 19th century. The cliff dwellings, which are the most famous of the Anasazi structures, were built and occupied during the final years of their occupation of the San Juan region, roughly 1250-1300 C.E. After 1300, all traces of Anasazi occupation cease here, but begin to be found in the Rio Grande region in places such as Bandelier National Monument near Los Alamos, New Mexico.
This page provides a guide to the major Anasazi-related sites in Arizona and New Mexico that are accessible to the public. Each site is unique both in the nature of the structures and the physical locale. All are extremely scenic. In Part 2, we cover the major Anasazi-related sites in Colorado and Utah.

Anasazi Indian Ruins Guide:  Arizona/New Mexico (Part 1) | Colorado/Utah


How the Anasazi Indians lived and what they left behind has really defined the American Southwest today. For instance, when someone says that they are going to decorate in a southwestern theme, many elements like sandstone, colorful pottery and woven baskets are incorporated. Some of the pottery designs that the Anasazi Indians created are being duplicated and displayed today.
Eventually, the Anasazi Indians left the cliff dwellings. No one truly knows why, but there is much speculation that the Anasazi left due to changing climates that shortened the crop growing season. There are also educated guesses about nomadic tribes increased presence in the area prompted them to move. No matter what the reason is, the Anasazi Indians have piqued the curiosity of countless researchers. A lot has been learned about this tribe, but there are many mysteries remaining.
Disclaimer: Indians.org does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article. 


Anasazi Indians

The Anasazi Indians, also known as the ancient people are the ones that historians and researchers give credit to for the fascinating cliff pueblos found throughout the Four Corners area of what is now Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. The name Anasazi comes from the Navajo Indians and loosely translates to mean enemy ancestors. The Hopi Indians of today lay claim that the Ansazi Indians were their ancestors.
It was during the time period that Christ was born that the Anasazi Indians appeared in the Four Corners area. For the over a thousand years afterwards, the Anasazi thrived and built their homes into the side of cliffs, hence the famous cliff dwellings you might think of today. These cliff dwellings could only be reached by climbing and made for a great defense system against traveling Indian tribes.

The Anasazi Indians were real pioneers and created roads and irrigation systems for watering their crops. They were also great architects and the cliff dwellings are one of their biggest achievements. Not only that but they were diligent and persevering. The reason why? The wood used in many of the cliff dwellings did not come from the immediate area. Rather, the wood came from the forests over fifty miles away. How did the Anasazi Indians travel that far with large tree logs?